Monday, February 9, 2009

Dustin's 27th Birthday!

Dustin turned 27 on Thursday, February 5. It's crazy to think that he is 27 (I'm still a very young 26 :) ) because I can easily remember him turning 17. Time really does fly! I created a Dustin Scavenger Hunt, which took him all over the house looking for clues and ultimately finding his birthday gifts in the bathtub. I figured he needed to work a little for it! He ate his birthday dinner of choice--manicotti--before opening his Seinfeld Scene-It DVD game and his Michigan chair. Since there were so many candles on the birthday carrot cake, he set the fire alarm off in the living room with the smoke when he blew them out....Interesting way to cap off a great birthday! Dustin is a wonderful husband and I've been lucky to celebrate so many birthdays with him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a Lot of candles. Are you sure there is only 27 candles on the cake? That looks like a fire hazard!